Protect Your Business And Employees With Additional Safety Measures

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Decorating With Glass Few materials scream "modern!" more than glass. Whether you're looking to install new shelves in a shower or want to purchase a glass tabletop, this versatile material can find uses throughout your home. Decorating with glass is something that anyone can do, but it never hurts to look for some inspiration. We have the same love for contemporary design that you do, and we've found that glass is the perfect way to achieve that look. We're here to provide you with ideas for using glass everywhere and anywhere in your home to achieve the magazine-worthy home design that you crave.



If you're a business owner in a rough area where crime is relatively high, you may worry about dealing with armed robbers attempting to steal from your store and causing harm to you and any employees working at the time. While these concerns are valid, you can take additional measures to protect yourself and others while running your business and serving your customers.

Install Commercial Bulletproof Glass in Your Establishment

Is there a counter your customers walk up to when ready to pay for their merchandise? If so, you can have commercial bulletproof glass installed along the perimeter of that counter, which will protect anyone sitting behind the counter. Bulletproof glass is a must-have for businesses, especially those operating in high-crime areas, because it's durable, won't easily shatter if struck by a bullet, and can even prevent bullets from getting through the glass and hitting someone behind the counter.

If you would like to get the commercial bulletproof glass installed, you will need to discuss specific details with the glass experts, including:

  • The level of protection you would like. Some bulletproof glass protects against bullets from handguns, while others can protect against some of the most powerful weapons.
  • The size of the glass needed and its features. You must know how big you would like the bulletproof glass to be, which requires measurements. Many business owners will have their bulletproof glass designed to accept payments from their customers and hand items to them, such as beverages, candy, chips, and more. Let the glass experts know if you need a slot to exchange money and merchandise. They can cut and customize the bulletproof glass for you.

Installing bulletproof glass throughout your storefront can leave you feeling much safer. It's a practical solution to combating crime, regardless of where you operate your business.

Get a Security Alarm System Installed

In addition to the bulletproof glass, install a security alarm system. With the right system installed inside your business, you can press a button in an emergency to receive urgent assistance from the local authorities. 

Protect Your Store and the Employees You've Hired

Even if you've installed surveillance cameras, take additional measures to protect your store and the employees working for you by installing commercial bulletproof glass. The glass can prevent bullets from handguns and rifles from getting over the counter and hitting one of your employees. Installing a security alarm system to alert authorities if you need any assistance is also beneficial. 

For more info, contact a local company like Wholesale  Glass & Mirror Company.

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